At Clever Writings we ensure that each and every essay paper that we review has been thoroughly vetted and proofed to ensure it is plagiarism free using software that is able to search extensively for any instances of unoriginal or stolen research, insights, or anything else which could jeopardize our customers' success. We always upgrade this software so as to stay ahead of any and all industry advances which can help to protect our customers' best interests better.
We pride ourselves on being a reputable essay writing services firm, and our goal is to protect our customers from plagiarism. EVERY paper, EVERY time is checked and verified. Rest assured; your work will be just what you need to get ahead and not something which could run the risk of causing you problems. We are on your side and only wish to service you with the absolute finest in professional services, consultations, and customer service.
Clever Writings has earned a global reputation for industry leading customer satisfaction and trust. If a dispute was raised due to plagiarism detected in an essay or paper our writer has completed, Clever Writing support team accepts only a valid copy of the plagiarism report from, university or professor. No other documentation proof can be used that the paper is plagiarized. Our existing customers are the proof that Clever Writings is a PREMIER essay writing service in which one can safely entrust one’s career, reputation, and future success.
You can be sure that our Plagiarism-Free Guarantee is not something we would ever compromise for any reason, ever!